Wednesday, April 3, 2013

VLC for windows 8 soon to be in action

VLC for Win8
Today the team bringing VLC Player to Windows 8 – via the Windows Store so that it will run on Windows RT devices - updated their financial backers as to their progress. When the VLC group set out to Kickstarter to raise 40,000 quid to build the ‘Metro’ version of their video playing software, it attracted the sum with nearly a week to spare, with over 3,000 folks chipping in to fund the project. The stated goal was simple: take its “existing code, which already works on Windows 8′s ‘desktop mode’, and make it run on WinRT, the ‘Metro’ interface.”
Surface view

There's both good news and bad. They've managed to cut down 90% of what's "forbidden" in the modern user interface, working closely with Mingw-w64 project and GCC developers. They managed to achieve this by:

  • replacing our forbidden calls with newer authorized equivalent calls,
  • modifying gcc and Mingw-w64,
  • writing new code in a special library of ours,
  • writing dummy functions,
  • disabling VLC code that would not work on the Metro platform,
  • moving VLC to MSVCRT 11.0, moving all the VLC codebase to UNICODE and WideChars to fit the new requirements.
  • We did also a lot of minor things to help the integration of libVLC and VLC in this modern platform

It's so close we can almost taste it. The team reports that they're working on the following objectives:
  • make VLC work with MSVCRT 11.0 without crashing
  • write headers and C/C++ code to access the new fashion of COM APIs in which WinRT is written in