Monday, March 26, 2012

Ubuntu 11.04 : Have Minimalstic & Faster

Initially  it is made this for Linux Mint setup, but it can be also used for Ubuntu. It is  recommended to run these commands right after installation of Mint/Ubuntu before installing any software and system update to avoid removal of any packages you have installed. Just open the terminal and execute the following command.

Now with its best speed
# Remove Unnecessary Packages and Games
sudo apt-get -y -f purge aisleriot apport apport-gtk apport-symptoms aspell aspell-en at at-spi avahi-utils baobab bluez-alsa bogofilter bogofilter-bdb bogofilter-common brltty brltty-x11 busybox-static byobu checkbox checkbox-gtk computer-janitor computer-janitor-gtk couchdb-bin cpu-checker dc desktopcouch dnsmasq-base dnsutils doc-base ed erlang-base erlang-base-hipe erlang-inets erlang-mnesia erlang-public-key erlang-runtime-tools erlang-ssl erlang-syntax-tools erlang-xmerl espeak espeak-data gbrainy gdb geoip-database ghostscript-x gnome-accessibility-themes gnome-dictionary gnome-games-common gnome-mahjongg gnome-nettool gnome-orca gnome-sudoku gnome-mag gnome-search-tool gnome-system-log gnome-themes-selected gnomine gstreamer0.10-pitfdll gvfs-fuse guile-1.8-libs ibus-pinyin ibus-pinyin-db-android intel-gpu-tools iptables iputils-tracepath kerneloops-daemon launchpad-integration libavahi-gobject0 libdotconf1.0 libelf1 libfolks-telepathy22 libfs6 libgadu3 libgail-gnome-module libgconfmm-2.6-1c2 libgd2-xpm libgdict-1.0-6 libglademm-2.4-1c2a libgnome-mag2 libgraph4 libgtk-vnc-1.0-0 libiptcdata0 libmp4v2-0 libnfnetlink0 libopencc1 libpst4 libspeechd2 libtagc0 libtelepathy-farsight0 libutempter0 libxp6 lftp lksctp-tools lm-sensors logrotate ltrace lsof manpages manpages-dev memtest86+ mono-csharp-shell mono-gmcs mousetweaks mtr-tiny myspell-en-au myspell-en-gb myspell-en-za nano netcat-openbsd ntpdate onboard popularity-contest protobuf-compiler pulseaudio-esound-compat quadrapassel rdesktop rsyslog sane-utils screen screensaver-default-images speech-dispatcher ssh-askpass-gnome strace tcl tcpd tcpdump telepathy-logger telepathy-salut telnet time toshset ufw vbetool vino w3m wamerican wbritish x-ttcidfont-conf x11-apps x11-session-utils x11-xfs-utils xbitmaps xfonts-100dpi xfonts-75dpi xfonts-base xfonts-encodings xfonts-mathml xfonts-scalable xfonts-utils xinit xinput xorg xorg-docs-core xscreensaver-data xscreensaver-gl xterm
# Remove font packages
sudo apt-get -y -f purge ttf-dejavu-core ttf-indic-fonts-core ttf-kacst-one ttf-khmeros-core ttf-lao ttf-punjabi-fonts ttf-takao-pgothic ttf-thai-tlwg ttf-unfonts-core ttf-wqy-microhei
# Install the ttf-unifont package which works better
sudo apt-get -y -f install ttf-unifont

And that's it. now install all those stuff you need to install. Here is what I do usually,

# Remove Unity and Ubuntu One
sudo apt-get -y -f purge gir1.2-soup-2.4 gir1.2-unity-3.0 libnux-0.9-0 libunity-misc0 python-ubuntuone-client python-ubuntuone-control-panel python-ubuntuone-storageprotocol ubuntuone-client ubuntuone-client-gnome ubuntuone-control-panel ubuntuone-control-panel-gtk unity-asset-pool unity-common unity-place-applications unity-place-files
# Remove Misc Suff
sudo apt-get -y -f purge brasero brasero-cdrkit brasero-common gthumb gthumb-data libbrasero-media1 libburn4 libisofs6 liboil0.3 libquvi0 libsyncdaemon-1.0-1 libtotem-plparser17 tomboy totem totem-common totem-mozilla totem-plugins
# Add Some Repositories
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:docky-core/stable
sudo apt-add-repository ppa:elementaryart/elementarydesktop
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:tiheum/equinox
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ferramroberto/gimp
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:hel-sheep/pastie
sudo apt-add-repository ppa:tualatrix/ppa
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:n-muench/vlc
sudo apt-add-repository ppa:nilarimogard/webupd8
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:synapse-core/ppa
# Update Software Sources
sudo apt-get -y -f update
# Upgrade System
sudo apt-get -y -f dist-upgrade
# Install Needed Packages and Codecs
sudo apt-get -y -f install aptoncd aria2 axel bleachbit cheese dexter ejecter elementary-theme elementary-icon-theme equinox-theme faenza-extras faenza-icons-mono faenza-icon-theme gimp gimp-gmic gmic gloobus-preview gnome-disk-utility gnomebaker gstreamer0.10-ffmpeg gstreamer0.10-plugins-bad gstreamer0.10-plugins-bad-multiverse gstreamer0.10-plugins-ugly gstreamer0.10-plugins-ugly-multiverse indicator-applet-complete libavcodec-extra-52 libavutil-extra-50 libcdaudio1 libcelt0-0 libflite1 libgme0 libid3tag0 libmimic0 libmjpegtools-1.9 libmms0 libofa0 libopencore-amrnb0 libopencore-amrwb0 libopenjpeg2 libopenspc0 libquicktime1 librtmp0 libsidplay1 libwildmidi1 libzbar0 lzma mozilla-plugin-vlc p7zip p7zip-full p7zip-rar pastie pitivi shotwell synapse tasque ubuntu-tweak unarchiver unrar vlc youtube-dl
# Remove Obsolete Packages
sudo apt-get -y -f --purge autoremove
You can modify the above script as per your usage. If in any case you find some of the programmes are not working then remove them from the list & proceed
Reference :

Ubuntu : KFaenzamod One of the most liked Icon theme

Faenza is the bestest Icon pack for Linux ever. But some of the modified versions also get popularity in other platforms like KDE which is named as KFaenza. Now the latest updates released which also include support for Ubutnu in its primary desktop environments like Unity, Gnome-shell, Cinnamon etc. KFaenzamod installation :

Open the terminal (Ctrl+Alt+T) and issue the following commands:
  • cd /tmp && wget -O
  • unzip
  • mkdir ~/.icons
  • for i in KFaenzamod*.tar.gz; do tar xvzf $i -C ~/.icons; done
To enable KFaenzamod (light), run this command:
gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.interface icon-theme 'KFaenzamod'

To enable KFaenzamod (dark), eun this command:
gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.interface icon-theme 'KFaenzamoddark'

Sunday, March 25, 2012

YouTube embeds in your blog easily

YouTube on your blog

A very easy way to embed Youtube code to blog posts. As it is a easy process i'm not explaining. It would take you a few minutes as long as you follow exactly the following steps:
  • Go to Blogger and click New Pos
  • In the Post section, you will see Compose and HTML, click on HTML. (actually, you can use any)
  • Open in a new window
  • Select your video
  • Click on the Share button
  • Click on Embed
  • Copy the code
  • Paste that code to your post
  • Click Preview to see the result, then click Publish or Save<

Saturday, March 24, 2012

Minty : Bestest Cinnamon theme ever

Dominance of Linux Desktop environment reveals many diversity in the Art-era. In past few years a lots of Desktop environments have been released. Like  Razor QtGnome-shell , UnityCinnamon etc have shown the remarkable changes. And to claim the best among themselves they need the help of the users who will promote their dominance by working over that. And the Themes of this Desktop environments are the most important factor of popularity.
Cinnamon with its Minty theme
Now-a-days after Gnome-shell the one who is accelerating its popularity is none other than Cinnamon. This Desktop environment has been released by Linux Mint Distributor. The features are almost same that of Gnome-shell, still a lot of advantages are there over Shell Desktop. Here  Satya has invented & me discovered it in these days, it's a very elegant theme  & there is no match with others as it is the superior one. And  it is none other than Minty. There is not a single discriminatory point & you have to go on with it. Watch-out the screen-shots below...
sudo apt-add-repository ppa:satyajit-happy/themes
sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install cinnamon-theme-minty 
In the first screenshot there is a Conky in the desktop at the left bottom corner which is a customized desktop & not given preinstalled in Cinnamon...

Thursday, March 22, 2012

ZOHO Writer : Best & Easy Online Word Processor

Zoho Writer Online Word Processor
There is always need of a word processor everytime & everywhere. Documentation, designing, plotting, statistics, records etc. these are the things we always go through. But always we suffer the unavailability of a good word processor. Cyber cafe as well as offices are not provided with advanced Word Processors. If a older version is there we have to negotiate with the format problem. 
But now everything is so convenient as easy with Zoho Writer. It's a online Word Processor. It provides facilities that is beyond your usage. You can sign it with your Google account, Facebook account & also Yahoo id.
  • Sharing Collaboration
  • Import / Export Documents
  • Page View Editing
  • Template Library
  • Offline Support
  • Post to Blog
  • Lots of Plugin Supports like Microsoft Office etc.
  • Tabbed Toolbar for easy management
  • Zoho Ofice for Microsoft SharePoint(new)
  Go to the screenshots gallery & check out every facility here.

Monday, March 19, 2012

Use Copy (Ctrl-C) and Paste (Ctrl-V) Keyboard Shortcuts In The Ubuntu Terminal

Linux users are acquainted with the Terminal use. But some of the major features we miss in terminal is the keyboard shortcuts. So we have to use the mouse instead like copy, paste etc. But in this tutorial a very  good news is to be revealed for Ubuntu users that it will be easier while copying & pasting in the Terminal as you do in any other places like Text editors, Web Pages etc. 

To copy using the CTRL+C keyboard shortcut, run simply this command from the terminal:
gconftool-2 -s /apps/gnome-terminal/keybindings/copy -t str '<Ctrl>c' 

For pasting using the CTRL+V keyboard shortcut, run this command: 
gconftool-2 --type string --set /apps/gnome-terminal/keybindings/paste '<Ctrl>v' 

As for stopping currently running commands or services via the Terminal, you can press Shift+Ctrl+C

Sunday, March 18, 2012

NumLock and ScrollLock Keyboard LEDs will Indicate Network Traffic - Ubuntu

NumLock & ScrollLock LEDs help in Network monitoring
Some people rejoice themselves while working in Computers by Monitoring the Traffic Networks. Also this is useful for those users who have limited usage of data. Here a very innovative & interesting way is revealed to monitor the network from the keyboard itself. NumLock & ScrollLock LEDs flash to indicate incoming & out going network traffic on a wired or wireless network connection. 
Here we need to install a utility named "tleds", a network traffic monitoring utility. This is useful for users who want to monitor heir download / upload network activity.
Install through the terminal , simply run
  •  sudo apt-get install tleds
To see your network interfaces, run this command
  • cat /proc/net/dev
Start tleds with this command for a wired connection(You can also replace eth0 with your own network interface ( eth1, eth2, etc.):
  • sudo /usr/bin/tleds -q -c -d 20 eth0
Also you can add a wireless connection(WiFi), follow this command:(Replace wlan0 with your own wireless network interface (wlan1, wlan2, etc.)
  • sudo /usr/bin/tleds -q -c -d 20 wlan0
Your NumLock and ScrollLock LEDs will start now to blink indicating outgoing and incoming network traffic on the selected network interface.

Saturday, March 17, 2012

Double Driver: Easy backup for your system drivers

Double Driver
Often there is a need of system format as anything went wrong. Sometimes there is also no alternate option without having system format. But the only tedious job after installation of Operating System  is to find out the compatible drivers. Some of the companies like Dell, Acer etc. provides a Driver CD-ROM but others do not. We have to search it through Internet or by adjusting any other previous old drivers which is not performing well in your system. Sometimes we go for backup by copying all the data but it is not well adopted as we don't have the full knowledge about all of the drivers & we miss some of them. 
As per to the Windows user the problem is almost solved down here by Double Driver.
Installation process is described in screenshot...

Facebook Timeline is optional now

TimeLine Remove
People were excited to have the timeline look n feel in their Facebook account. But by time it is no more interesting & they want to get rid of it. But this is not happening in a normal way. Here a happy news for those want to get the older look back again to their accounts. 
Check TimeLineRemove. Available for all of the popular browsers. like Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome/Chromium, Safari, Internet Explorer.(Safari is under improvement & will be released soon)

  • Just download the extension that you want in the preferred browser and drag the downloaded file to your browser, then allow it to work on your browser. 

No more problem with Google Chrome installation in Ubuntu

Google Chrome & Chromium
Google Chrome, this Internet browser has dug deep inside the Tech era that everybody is bound to use this browser. Google chrome is the fastest browser you ever had. It's clean & minimal designed with a lots of extensions available which will solve any kind of your deformation. Each & every Operating System supports this browser.
The problem is here for Linux users & especially for the Ubuntu users. It is quit annoying sometimes while installing Google Chrome to the system. The only reason is that it requires some other dependencies to finish up its installation which should be installed first. If you find difficulties installing the latest stable version of Google Chrome or Chromium under Ubuntu using the provided Debian packages, then installing via PPA will be recommended. Some users have been presented with an error during the installation of Chrome / Chromium via the Ubuntu Software Center due to missing dependenciesNo more roaming anywhere for all the clear steps are described.
  • sudo apt-get install libxss1 libcurl3 libnspr4 libnss3-1d
  • wget -q -O - | sudo apt-key add -
  • sudo sh -c 'echo "deb stable main" >> /etc/apt/sources.list.d/google.list'
  • sudo apt-get update
Now for Google Chrome installation follow this command:
  • sudo apt-get install google-chrome-stable
If you need Chromium then follow this command:
  • sudo apt-get install chromium-browser

Friday, March 16, 2012

New & Improved YouTube Music page

Music n music n music ....the only source of survival. We often go crazy in search of any required or any new music. As the best site of all time that is providing music with moment updation  & it is none other than YouTube. YouTube uploads the maximum videos per day as compare to any other video site & it has the highest page views per day. Also with quality basis it ranks the first.
Music lovers will be happy with the new facilities of YouTube. Here YouTube comes with separate section for Music videos only. You can search any Artist, Music video, Bands etc. easily. And also it fetches recommended videos and other related searches. Just sign in to it to get full access over all of the facilities. Check Out the Video of New & Improved YouTube Music page. 

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Windows get the most beautiful music player ever : Amarok

Music is the only soul that survives inside every heart. We use  many kinds of music players to play the rhythm & beat. Market avails a lot of music player but we go for the most reliable one. Choosing a player varies with the user depending upon mood & comfort. Some popular music players are available throughout various OS like i Tune in Mac, Banshee or Rhythm-box in Ubuntu/Fedora/Open Suse etc., media player in Windows. But the most beautiful one is featured with KDE that is none other than Amarok. The graphical interference is very eye-catchy while the features are amazing.
But the most awaited surprise to Amarok user is that it's now available for Windows, so friends again rediscover Your Music. The  features provided by Amarok, Take a look

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

CustoPack: Transform Windows to the best look you ever had.

CustoPack Tools
Windows Desktop environment that is given by default is a good surface to work on. But as repetitions go high it is not that much comfortable as it was earlier. So we search for a good theme as we do in our Handset. Often people go for looking into Internet for more themes compatible with Windows. Here we get some of the Windows themes but this is for enhancing the aero effects only which is not able to fulfill our aspects.  Some users need to transform their whole Desktop into a very new kind visualization. Unfortunately there is no other option to go for a superb desktop environment like any other OS as KDE, Gnome Shell, Unity, Mac Desktop, Android, Razor QT, etc. as we are highly satisfied with Windows because of its performance as well as user friendly support and always migration to other OS is not possible by all users.
Still there are many ways to resolve all the needs. A very easier and efficient way to get all of these is been solved by CustoPack. CustoPack is a customization tool that completely transforms the Windows Desktop environment to remarkable changes. Here starting from Visual effects to the Icon Pack everything is modified in a single application tool.
  • Download CustoPack  (installation file) & Install to your system with following common Installation Widgets.
  • Now download the required CustoPack Tools from its gallery.
  • After completion of downloading of the packages, install them with required options
  • Now reboot your system to take effects on your Desktop.

  • Sometimes while installation it may be crashed so do not bother about it.
  • Close all the running applications and reinstall the programme.
  • At times when it has been crashed and also is not closing its window though pressing to the close button, Start the task manager and kill it from there & reinstall it.



ExpressFiles: Superior from any Torrent client

There is always a need of Download Manager or any other client that can make download our data from Internet easily. We use two Torrent clients or direct download managers. Difference is that Torrent client downloads the data from various sources & can be resumable at any time while other managers download the data faster by acceleration but not remain resumable for longer period. So bigger files like Movies, Discography, TV Series, Collections in compressed files, Operating System(.iso) file etc. are to be preferably downloaded through Torrent Clients. Torrent clients are more efficient in slower connection.
Besides all of these features available in any Torrent clients still there are many constraints are there and out of which one common problem to users is to find out a good, healthy torrent file; also there are many settings to be improved in the client to get a good speed of downloading which is not known to most of the users.
Here all of the issues are solved by a single torrent client ExpressFiles. The client is easy to install & easy to manage with no need of browser for searching torrent files. A single search will produce different files varying with its size, quality. The graphical interference is very nice & can be used not only in Windows also over a no. of Operating systems. (Here some of the screen-shots are to be followed)  

Sunday, March 11, 2012

ext2explore: Helps Windows to access Linux Partitions

Windows &  Linux bridged by ext2explore 
Now-a-days people are no more satisfied with Windows  as their only OS performing in their system. Features & liveliness are more  in other OS like  Mac, Ubuntu, Open Suse, Fedora, Xfce, Google Chrome etc. More desktop environments are fetched which are more superior to Windows  like KDE, Gnome-shell, Razor Qt, Unity etc. Still Windows  is more user friendly  than any others and used most by the users.
Problem is to access files from Linux Partitions(ext2/ext3/ext4) from windows  desktop. While working in Linux/Unix/Mac the default target folders are attached with Home folder of Linux Partition. And we often forget to transfer them to our hard disk and it is been required at the time we are using Windows  .And the only way to access is to restart the system. As there is no in-built system to access Linux Partitions. But here a very light-weight programme is available known as ext2explore. The main feature is that it works without installation and very user friendly.
  • Download ext2exploreExtract it.
  • Now the application file named "ext2explore" has to run.(Make sure that you are running it as Administrator)
  • Otherwise it will create a file with a caution dialog box(see in screen-shots) & also it's not going to work as you wish.
  •  After running as "Administrator" Search your required files & folders. And Right click over it & choose save option from the context menu.
 The above screen-shots are taken from a customized Windows Desktop, so don't bother about it.

Canvas Rider : An addiction by Google chrome

Canvas Rider Powered by Google Chrome

The beginning is an attachment and later it is an addiction, this is the way of gaming online.Often we play several online games may be its popular or not as it depends upon the diversity of interest. And the sources are buzzing around Internet, PC Games which includes online tracks, Friends' inclusion, Social Networks and even the Browser which is been used itself. The attachment with Social Network sites drag us to a pool full of addiction where we find some top games like FarmVilleMafiaWarsBow ManHasse BounceThe Last Stand  etc. There is also availabilty of games in the browsers itself like Google Chrome's Webstore provides a lot of games. 
And one of the Most recommended game is Canvas Rider.Though it is not a very popular game but it is quite appreciable as you ride a bike on tracks drawn by other players which is entirely written in java-script & HTML, using most of the new Canvas Element. Canvas Rider was created by Maxime & Pete with help from; it's partially based on Free Rider 2 which received many improvements. 
You can access it from Google Chrome Web Store  also search for the title and get it, here you can register to get more  facility. Controls are simple: press UP to pedal, DOWN to brake, LEFT & RIGHT to balance, Z to turn around. If you crash, you can always press ENTER to restart or BACKSPACE to cancel checkpoint(s). There are hundreds of new tracks submitted daily, so be sure to check the subcategories for the very best ones! 
If you are a designer or an  art-maker here you can exploit  yourself by designing tracks. 

Saturday, March 10, 2012

Fix Shockwave Flash Crashes in Google Chrome

As one of the most elegant browser Google Chrome provides an inbuilt Flash Player and that is none other than Adobe is distributing as a partner of Google. Also we use other browsers like Opera, Mozilla Firefox, UC Browser, Netscape etc. which are using Flash Player. But the problem is the crashes caused by the Flash Player.The reason behind being crashed by the Flash Player is due to confusion of utilization of  Flash Players means whether to use System Flash/OS Flash installed or the pre installed inbuilt Flash Player. And Google Chrome is suffering the most with the Shockwave crashes than any other browsers. The only way to get rid of it is to stop either one of them as it is not going to use both at the same time. So it's better to disable the inbuilt one.

The result is serious browser lag, temporary lockup, and then a browser-wide crash of all active Flash instances. You don’t realize how many web sites use Flash until every single tab locks up with a crash warning : "The following plug-in has crashed: Shockwave Flash”